
Beyond Excel: Modernizing insurance with tailored digital solutions

  • Up next:Beyond Excel: Modernizing insurance with tailored digital solutions Petar Vukasinovic
Event info

Learn the transformative potential of moving beyond Excel in the insurance industry.

Delve into real-world success stories and uncover groundbreaking strategies for efficiency, scalability, and innovation.

  1. Dive deep into the limitations of Excel and the vast potential of digital
  2. Discover real-world success stories, including how Agilno turned spreadsheets into state-of-the-art digital products.
  3. Learn from Petar, a global tech leader, who's partnered with industry giants and crafted digital solutions for global brands.
  4. Unlock the future of insurance: efficiency, scalability, and innovation.
  • December 142023
  • 11:00AM EST5:00PM CET
  • Live StreamGoogle Meet

Join us for a transformative session where traditional processes meet the future. With Petar’s seasoned insights and Agilno’s success stories, step into a world where insurance isn’t just efficient — it’s revolutionary. Register now and be part of the change.

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